Bosch eBike Systems

Name and address

Robert Bosch GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Platz 1
70839 Gerlingen-Schillerhöhe, Germany


Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr. Stefan Asenkerschbaumer
Management: Dr. Stefan Hartung, Dr. Christian Fischer, Stefan Grosch, Dr. Markus Forschner, Dr. Markus Heyn, Dr. Frank Meyer, Katja von Raven, Dr. Tanja Rückert

Your contact at Bosch eBike Systems

Head office
+49 711 811-0


Register court: Stuttgart Local Court [Amtsgericht], HRB 14000



Legal Notice

© Robert Bosch GmbH 2023, all rights reserved

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Unless stated otherwise, all branded content featured on Bosch websites is registered as a trademark. In particular this applies to Bosch brands, labels, corporate logos and emblems. The brand and design elements featured on our pages are the intellectual property of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany.

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This website was created with the greatest possible care. However, we can not guarantee that the information contained therein is completely accurate and free of errors. No liability can be accepted for damages which arise either directly or indirectly from this website, insofar as this is not due to the deliberate intention or gross negligence of Bosch.


The intellectual property contained on the Bosch website is protected. This includes patents, brand and copyrights. This website does not provide licences to use the intellectual property of the Bosch Group (Bosch) companies or third parties.

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

Information regarding Online Dispute Resolution: The European Commission provides an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. This platform should act as the port of call for any out-of-court dispute settlements, concerning contractual obligations related to online purchase or service agreements.

The platform is available at

We will not participate in any dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

WEEE-Registration-Number: WEEE 92899867